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‘Unfair terms’ for digital news publishers: CCI to probe Google

The CCI will examine allegations that Google gives content publishers no choice, but to implement Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) standard or lose critical placement in mobile search

By DNPA Team
New Update

The complaint was filed by Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA), an organisation of leading Indian digital media companies that promotes and protects the interest of digital news publishers. (Reuters/FIle)

The country’s antitrust regulator has ordered a probe into Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google, over allegations that the search giant has indulged in “abuse of dominance in news aggregation” and forced unfair terms on digital news publishers.

The complaint was filed by Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA), an organisation of leading Indian digital media companies that promotes and protects the interest of digital news publishers. The Association had said a majority of the traffic on news websites comes from online search engines, wherein Google is the most dominant search engine and consequently gets to decide the share of ad revenues to be paid to digital news publishers.

To read more: https://indianexpress.com/article/business/companies/digital-news-publishers-cci-probe-google-7712396/

Source: The Indian Express